Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pub Golf anyone?

Ok, so i've FINALLY got around to editing the footage from my brothers bucks party at Perisher this season. The rules were simple, drink as much as you can at each pub to win and, harden the fuck up!

It turned out to be a pretty messy day as you'll see haha. I just want to thank everyone that came and hopefully we'll have another one next season ;)!

Check it out.

Robs Bucks 2008 from Andy Lloyd on Vimeo.



Monday, November 24, 2008

Blogging the shit out of it.

First of all, welcome to the Tahoe SnowLife blog!

As most of you may know my names Andy Lloyd, I'm from Australia and practically live and breath Snowboarding.

In 4 days time im heading over to Tahoe in California to board/work for the season, so i thought i'd create a blog to keep friends and family, you guys, informed on whats going on in my life overseas.

I'm not gonna lie, my life fits perfectly into a saying i said once, "Get Rich or Die Trying".....ok well, i might of stolen that from someone else but farrrk it feels like that! I'd fill you in on the details but i'd just be preaching to the choir!...........did that make sence? i herd that phrase the other day and really wanted to use it!

Well anyway, This is my blog, Ill be updating it alot, but heres a list of future posts to look forward to:

-Traveling the shit out of it

-Eating the shit out of it (In & Out....oh snap!)

-Shiting the shit out of it, American style!

-Shredding the shit out of it (first day Gnar touch)

-Trip to China for the RedBull Nanshan Open....the shit out of it?

-Trip to Utah to meet up with Popmag's very own Rick Baker.....does it need to be said?

-Trip to Colorado for some training/coaching with the School-of-Shred!

Until next time.
